Time goes by..

It is sometimes claimed that there is no scientific proof or long-term clinical experience concerning BCS implants, as opposed to screw implants. In fact it is just the other way around. Very few screw implants on the market today have been documented for more than three to five years. The dental industry is “innovating” (from the marketing point of view,- and unfortunately not from the scientific point of view) at such a fast pace that implants, once long-term results are finally available, will in all probability no longer be on the market because in the clinical reality it was found that they are technically obsolete. The amazing fact is, that so many different screw implant designs are on the world market: and each systems claims not to have the disadvantages of all other systems. And yet, after a few years, most systems have disappeared form the market. Basal implants have been used for more than 30 years and there is a lot of scientific evidence to them. Because they are so old, you may think that they are outdated, but in fact they are proven.

IS IT GOING TO BE PAINFUL?2016-12-19T20:19:32+01:00

In connection with BCS treatment, pain is usually minor. The amount of swelling differs from patient from patient. Other than in traditional screw implants, the following prosthetical works on basal implants is quite painless. Do I have to go to the hospital? BCS implants are generally placed on an outpatient basis in local anesthesia. On request a mild sedation can be administered.


General anesthesia is generally not necessary. However, if you yourself prefer general anesthesia, this is possible in cooperation with an anesthesiologist.


Whether or not that is the case will depend on many factors – especially on the question what to compare. For most patients the usage of basal implants is connected with the avoidance of bone augmentations, bone transplants, etc. These patients save about 35% of the treatment costs and 98% of the treatment time if they decide for our variant of treatment.

HOW LONG WILL THE IMPLANTS LAST?2016-12-19T20:13:21+01:00

There are studies on basal implants showing that more than 95% of all implants are still in place after 10 years. But here, too, the individual prognosis will be determined by individual factors: What does the rest of the dentition look like? How good is the patient’s oral care? Who did what and when? Not least to ensure that operator skills are always well-developed and consistently excellent, only authorized users may work with BCS implants. And should the problem really occur, after all – well, BCS implants can be replaced instantly.


Please contact your BCS implantologist immediately. Mobilization (loosening) is sometimes simply a reaction of the bone to inappropriate loading or overloading. The advantage of BCS implants compared to any screw implant is that the bone remodeling process occurs deep inside the sterile bone. By contrast, if a screw implant becomes mobile, pathogens will quickly enter the zone where the implant emerges from the gums, resulting in infection and, ultimately, implant loss. BCS implants in this situation will stabilize if an occlusal correction is made in time.

IS THERE ANY WARRANTY?2016-12-19T20:11:37+01:00

The warranty agreement is arranged between the dentist and the patients.

Hungarodental Kft. offers lifetime warranty on the one piece implants inserted in the patient’s mouth. This warranty is not valid for the tissue around the implants.

The Guarantee will be reduced or invalidated:


  • If oral hygiene is neglected
  • If the patient does not have a routine dental check-up and professional cleaning at  least once a year (Invoice required)
  • if the dentist’s instructions are not followed
  • if restorations are not kept and maintained properly
  • in the event of accidental damage
  • If a substantial gain or loss of weight occurs
  • if there is a general illness occurring that has negative effects on the dental condition (for example diabetes, epilepsy, osteoporosis, condition after x-rays or chemotherapy)

In any case, when a non qualified person makes any change on implant works.(not all dentists perform implantological procedures or are, for that matter, familiar with implantological strategies, only who can be expected to offer authoritative counselling and help are those who have been trained in, and are authorized to perform implant treatment based on the technique of basal osseointegration )


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It is sometimes claimed that there is no scientific proof or long-term clinical experience concerning BCS implants, as opposed to screw implants. In fact it is just the other way around. Very few screw implants on the market today have been documented for more than three to five years. The dental industry is “innovating” (from the marketing point of view,- and unfortunately not from the scientific point of view) at such a fast pace that implants, once long-term results are finally available, will in all probability no longer be on the market because in the clinical reality it was found that they are technically obsolete. The amazing fact is, that so many different screw implant designs are on the world market: and each systems claims not to have the disadvantages of all other systems. And yet, after a few years, most systems have disappeared form the market. Basal implants have been used for more than 30 years and there is a lot of scientific evidence to them. Because they are so old, you may think that they are outdated, but in fact they are proven.

IS IT GOING TO BE PAINFUL?2016-12-19T20:19:32+01:00

In connection with BCS treatment, pain is usually minor. The amount of swelling differs from patient from patient. Other than in traditional screw implants, the following prosthetical works on basal implants is quite painless. Do I have to go to the hospital? BCS implants are generally placed on an outpatient basis in local anesthesia. On request a mild sedation can be administered.


General anesthesia is generally not necessary. However, if you yourself prefer general anesthesia, this is possible in cooperation with an anesthesiologist.


Whether or not that is the case will depend on many factors – especially on the question what to compare. For most patients the usage of basal implants is connected with the avoidance of bone augmentations, bone transplants, etc. These patients save about 35% of the treatment costs and 98% of the treatment time if they decide for our variant of treatment.

HOW LONG WILL THE IMPLANTS LAST?2016-12-19T20:13:21+01:00

There are studies on basal implants showing that more than 95% of all implants are still in place after 10 years. But here, too, the individual prognosis will be determined by individual factors: What does the rest of the dentition look like? How good is the patient’s oral care? Who did what and when? Not least to ensure that operator skills are always well-developed and consistently excellent, only authorized users may work with BCS implants. And should the problem really occur, after all – well, BCS implants can be replaced instantly.


Please contact your BCS implantologist immediately. Mobilization (loosening) is sometimes simply a reaction of the bone to inappropriate loading or overloading. The advantage of BCS implants compared to any screw implant is that the bone remodeling process occurs deep inside the sterile bone. By contrast, if a screw implant becomes mobile, pathogens will quickly enter the zone where the implant emerges from the gums, resulting in infection and, ultimately, implant loss. BCS implants in this situation will stabilize if an occlusal correction is made in time.

IS THERE ANY WARRANTY?2016-12-19T20:11:37+01:00

The warranty agreement is arranged between the dentist and the patients.

Hungarodental Kft. offers lifetime warranty on the one piece implants inserted in the patient’s mouth. This warranty is not valid for the tissue around the implants.

The Guarantee will be reduced or invalidated:


  • If oral hygiene is neglected
  • If the patient does not have a routine dental check-up and professional cleaning at  least once a year (Invoice required)
  • if the dentist’s instructions are not followed
  • if restorations are not kept and maintained properly
  • in the event of accidental damage
  • If a substantial gain or loss of weight occurs
  • if there is a general illness occurring that has negative effects on the dental condition (for example diabetes, epilepsy, osteoporosis, condition after x-rays or chemotherapy)

In any case, when a non qualified person makes any change on implant works.(not all dentists perform implantological procedures or are, for that matter, familiar with implantological strategies, only who can be expected to offer authoritative counselling and help are those who have been trained in, and are authorized to perform implant treatment based on the technique of basal osseointegration )

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